Welcome from Wanstead High School Governors
We invite you to take a moment to see what the role of a Governor is at Wanstead High School. We work very closely, together, with the Head Teacher and staff to provide the best education possible for our pupils.We are regularly looking for committed parents to become Governors.
Whether you are considering the role for yourself or are just keen to learn more about what we do, we hope that you find this section of interest.
The Governing Body
Co-Chair - Ellen Lake
Co-Chair - Ian Selby
Vice-Chair - Briony Labram
For a full list of the members of the governing body please see below:
List of Governors - 2024-25
Governors' Pecuniary Interests - To be updated following first meeting
Governor Biographies - 2024-25
Governor Attendance 2024-25
Committees 2024-25
The role of a governor
As a governor at Wanstead High School we work with the school on strategic planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review so that all our children achieve their full potential. Governors also monitor and evaluate progress towards the school’s priorities and targets. We are here to ask questions which are probing but hopefully not too confrontational and act as a “critical friend” to the School, and to work together with the Head Teacher and the staff. We should not be involved in the day to day running of the school, or try to be, and should at all times respect the professionalism of the Head Teacher and the staff.
To be an effective Governing Body it is vital that all governors take an active role.
At Wanstead High School we expect that all governors
- Attend full governing body meetings – These meet five times a year.
- Are willing to sit on discipline panels when requested.
- Become a link governor to a particular department or area, visiting the school at least once a year and reporting back to the full Governing Body. This is a particularly rewarding aspect of our role as it gives us the opportunity to get to know staff, build a greater more in depth knowledge of one subject or area as well as experiencing the workings of the school first hand.
- Be positive ambassadors for the school.
We also hope that all governors will
- Take on other tasks as invited e.g. being part of policy review groups, interview panels and working parties.
- Attend training as and when required from the portfolio of training courses provided by the LEA.
- Attend key school productions, social events and awards evenings when invited.
- Find the role rewarding as it is a major commitment to your time.
Why don’t you consider becoming a governor?
If you have been interested in what you have read and may like to consider becoming a governor in the future, please speak to any of our current governors or contact our Co-Chair of Governors Ellen Lake: