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Wanstead High School is committed to the safety and wellbeing of its pupils.

Our Safeguarding Policy can be found here

Our Preventing Radicalisation Policy is available here 

Our PREVENT Risk Assessment checklist is available here

Should you wish to discuss any issues relating to Child Protection (CP) or Safeguarding please contact:

Emma Hillman Headteacher 020 8989 2791

Helise Martin


Deputy Headteacher/
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

020 8989 2791

Donna Cini
Director of Inclusion/
Designated Safeguarding Lead
020 8989 2791
Other useful contacts:-
NSPCC    0808 800 5000
CHILDLINE:   0800 1111  
Child Protection Assessment Team (Emergency Reporting)  0208 708 3781  
Safer Schools Team:  020 8345 3429