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Message from the Head of Sixth Form

I am proud to be the Head of Sixth Form at Wanstead High School. I am committed to providing an excellent education for our pupils in a safe, inclusive and caring environment. We are extremely proud of our pupil’s achievements made possible through the hard work and dedication of our subject specialist teachers and pastoral team. At A-Level, 28% of grades were A/A*, more than any other non-selective school in Redbridge and above national figures.     

Pupils are extremely well supported in their efforts to achieve their goals. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that we deliver with depth and rigour. Departments encourage pupils to research beyond the curriculum to develop breadth and depth of knowledge, interests and skills.

We are committed to continually improving and driving standards to achieve excellence. We remain focused on the quality of teaching and learning to ensure that we offer the right level of challenge to stretch pupils, in addition to the right level of support to make sure they flourish. We offer excellent pastoral care and will give pupils the emotional support and skills to thrive. For any prospective pupil reading this, we will look after you, support you and believe in you. In return, we will expect nothing less of you than your very best!

We monitor and track progress throughout the year and offer academic mentoring and coaching to pupils who require additional support. We work closely with parents to ensure that you achieve your full potential and are successful on your chosen pathway. Parents receive termly reports keeping them updated on your progress.

Throughout your time in the Sixth Form, we will also help you move towards becoming self-regulated learners and develop the skills you will need to become successful independent pupils and creative thinkers.

Joining our Sixth Form is not just about academic study; it is also about meeting new friends and becoming actively involved in Sixth Form life. This includes social and sporting opportunities, becoming an active member of the school community and taking part in our social contract scheme whereby all pupils aim to support some aspect of community service.

We are dedicated to developing the whole pupil. By the end of your studies, you will be ready to make a positive contribution to the wider world, successfully moving on to higher education, apprenticeships and the world of work.

Please do contact me if you have any further questions

Eleni Bray
Assistant Headteacher & Head of Sixth Form