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Vision & Values

The school is in the process of reviewing and rewriting our vision and values based on shared input from all our stakeholders. This will be undertaken in the first half of the Autumn Term 2023-24.

Vision & Values
Wanstead High School is a thriving and happy school.
Our goal is to liberate the potential of all pupils to aspire, achieve and succeed in their learning.

Our Vision
We will provide high quality education with character: inspiring our young people, keeping them safe, and preparing them fully for life in the modern world.

This will be underpinned by the following commitments:

  • We will continue to improve the quality of teaching and learning across the school so that all pupils receive an entitlement to excellence and to education with character.
  • We will deliver curriculum that best meets the needs of every single pupil, ensuring that our high-quality assessment, tracking and intervention systems maximise the attainment and achievement of every pupil. Our curriculum will be broad, balanced and inclusive.
  • We will ensure all pupils are safe, healthy and happy, and have the skills, knowledge, and qualities needed to thrive in the modern world, including a respect for each other, for their community, and their planet. We will ensure we promote modern British values including a respect for the rule of law and tolerance of all faiths and communities.