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Curriculum Intent and Aims

Wanstead High School Curriculum

Aims and Intent

Wanstead High School aims to offer an inclusive, broad and balanced curriculum that is ambitious for all of our pupils. Enabling pupils to develop their character education, to hold high aspirations, to dream big and to overcome barriers. 

We aim to provide high quality education that is inclusive of all of our pupils, ensuring no child is left behind. We seek to develop a love for learning which promotes academic and career success as well as happiness, personal growth and confidence.

Our curriculum has been designed to reflect our school’s commitment to delivering a well-rounded education, which ensures that our pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to release their potential and to make a valuable contribution to society. 

Our curriculum intent is achieved through our engaging, relevant, broad and balanced curriculum which includes our enrichment provision. Our curriculum is inclusive and ambitious, encouraging pupils to develop a passion for lifelong learning. Enabling all pupils to follow their next steps, whatever these may be and importantly preparing them to lead happy, fulfilling and prosperous lives beyond Wanstead High School.

Our curriculum also aims to:

  • Support and enhance our core values of kindness, inclusion and respect.

  • Promote a positive attitude towards learning

  • Support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

  • Ensure equal access to learning for all pupils, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support.

  • Equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life

  • Provide subject choices that supports pupils’ learning and progression, enabling them to work towards achieving their goals.

Our taught curriculum is organised into three distinct phases across the three key stages – Key Stage 3, 4 and 5. 

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 (KS3) our pupils have access to 15 discreet subjects which support both breadth and balance. All subjects follow the full national curriculum and are taught for three years at Key Stage 3. This allows them to experience a wide range of subjects for the full three years of KS3. 

Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) pupils study the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Technology, French or Spanish, History, Geography, Religion and Philosophy (RP), Art, Music, Drama, Dance, Physical Education, PSHCE (a programme which delivers personal, social, health, citizenship, enterprise and careers education), RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) and library incorporated into their English lessons. 

Pupils in Year 7 to 9 study either French or Spanish as a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) allocated based on their Tutor Group. Some pupils in Year 9 will go onto study a second language alongside French or Spanish.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 (KS4) all pupils study the core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science (combined or triple GCSE depending on their pathway), PE and RSHE. Pupils currently have an open choice of GCSE or Vocational options from a wide range of subjects including Computer Science, Media Studies, Design Technology, Dance, Drama, Music and Sociology. Most pupils go on to gain 8 GCSEs. Some pupils will study fewer and instead will be given support through a Support or English as an additional language (EAL) option.

Key Stage 5

Our Key Stage 5 (KS5) curriculum offers a broad range of A levels subjects. In addition to A-Level choice, all pupils have the option of taking the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) - an independent research project on any subject of the pupil’s choosing. It is equivalent to half an A-Level and is highly valued by universities and employers. Additionally, pupils in Year 12 are timetabled for 1 hour per fortnight to develop study skills and help them to understand how to learn and revise effectively. This Learn-2-Learn course is specifically designed to help support their independence, meet the demands of their courses and support their progress in their subjects.

Religion and Philosophy

Religion and Philosophy (RP) makes a significant contribution to the personal development of young people. Key Stage 3 pupils have discreet RP lessons and study content in line with the agreed Local Authority syllabus. 

Key Stage 4 pupils study aspects of RP as part of their Personal Development curriculum which includes lessons in Year 10 and assemblies from Year 7 to 13. 

Parents have the statutory right to withdraw their children from Religious Education. Parents with concerns are encouraged to discuss these with the Head of Social sciences initially. 

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is taught as part of Personal Development to all pupils in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. This is through a combination of lessons taught by class teachers and externally delivered workshops. The curriculum for RSHE aims to:

  • meet the national and local guidelines 

  • be inclusive and age appropriate

  • be responsive to the needs of our children.

Careers Guidance

Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is provided through the Personal Development programme to all pupils.

  • Additional, independent advice is provided by careers advisors. 

  • The Skills Builder framework is used to support pupils in developing a range of skills for success.

  • Unifrog supports pupils in exploring opportunities, make the best choices and to submit the strongest applications for their next steps.

  • The school is committed to meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks for careers education. 

British Values

  • The school teaches the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. 

  • These values are embedded in the curriculum across a range of subjects, and reflected in our own values of kindness, tolerance, respect and aiming for excellence. 


The school teaches pupils through the curriculum, as part of the Personal Development (PD) programme through assemblies, workshops and special events, how to keep themselves safe within school and in the wider world. 


The impact of our curriculum is assessed by considering: 

  • External examination outcomes at Key Stages 4 and 5

  • Exam and progress data analysis meetings with all middle leaders 

  • Department LEARN Drop ins and lesson visits

  • Whole-school and department pupil work reviews and pupil voice

  • A Spotlight (review) every 2 years of each department 

  • The participation of pupils in a variety of extra-curricular and enrichment activities

  • The retention of pupils from Year 11 into the Sixth Form 

  • The proportion of pupils who are able to choose the courses they want to at GCSE and at A Level 

  • The destinations of our leavers at Year 11 and Year 13.


Wanstead High School

Redbridge Lane West
E11 2JZ

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020 8989 2791