Personal Development and Character Education
Key Stage 4 & Key Stage 5 Personal Development 2024/25
Term |
Subject |
Year Group |
Method |
Autumn | Introduction into Masculinities and Feminism | 10 | Drop Down Day |
Autumn | Religious Tolerance | 10 | Drop Down Day |
Spring | Sex, Sexuality and Healthy Relationships | 10 | Drop Down Day |
Spring | Understanding Gender-Based violence | 10 | Drop Down Day |
Spring | Careers Interviews/Careers day | 10 | Drop Down Day |
Summer | Revision Strategies and Mental Health | 10 | Drop Down Day |
Summer | Financial Guidance and Planning | 10 | Drop Down Day |
Summer | RSE Week | all | Drop Down Days/Assemblies/Break time pop-ups |
Whole Year | Individual Careers Advice and Action Plans | 10/11 | Individual sessions and interviews |
Whole Year | Prefects lead initiatives | 10 | Meetings/Celebration events/ open evenings/ ad hoc events |
Autumn | Revision Strategies and Mental Health | 11 | Assembly/Tutor time/drop down session |
Spring | RSE BeWize | 11 | Drop Down Day |
Spring | Fusion Drug and | ||
Whole Year | Tutor Time calendar | all | Tutor time/assemblies | | |||
Whole Year | School Council Leadership | all | Meetings/Celebration events/ open evenings/ ad hoc events |
Whole Year | Half-termly BeWize Sex and Relationships Advice | Key Stage 4 & 5 Years 10, 11, 12 & 13 |
Drop in sessions at break time |
Autumn | Financial Planning | 12 | Drop Down |
Autumn | BeWize RSE | 12 | Drop down day |
Spring | Safer use of online communication | 12/13 | Extended Assembly |
Spring | University Life cooking session | 12/12 | Practical Lessons |
Spring | Relationships and consent | 13 | Drop Down |
Summer | Countering Misogyny | 10/12 | Extended Assembly |